AJ Austin
Private Wealth Manager
Serving as Private Wealth Manager at E.A. Buck Financial Services, AJ Austin works with clients to help them understand their financial positioning, map out realistic financial goals, and strategize ways to work towards those goals. AJ’s approach is described as holistic – supported by financial professionals within the E.A. Buck support staff that cover various financial planning strategies including retirement income planning, tax-efficiency strategies, or income projections. With a background in client servicing – AJ understands the importance of understanding and prioritizing the needs of his clients.
Securities offered only by duly registered individuals through Madison Avenue Securities, LLC (MAS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through Buck Wealth Strategies, a Registered Investment Adviser. MAS and E.A. Buck Financial Services are not affiliated entities. Buck Wealth Strategies and MAS are not affiliated entities. E.A. Buck Financial Services and Buck Wealth Strategies are affiliated by common ownership.