Evan Cutler
Regional Vice President - Private Wealth Manager
Serving as Private Wealth Manager for E.A. Buck Financial Services, Evan focuses on providing retirement planning, tax planning strategies, and legacy planning services for clients through a variety of investment and insurance products. Evan fondly believes that retirement is less about how much you “have” and more about how much you “get to keep”. In addition to helping others map out their finances, Evan also operates the charity PushUps4Parkinsons/The Cutler Foundation, through which he has committed to completing 1,000,000 push-ups over his lifetime to honor his parents, the Parkinson’s community, and caregivers. His other passion includes relaxing at the Carolina beaches with his wife Rachel and their three miracles – Marlowe, Dahlia, and Jonah.
E.A. Buck Financial Services is an independent financial services firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of investment and insurance products to custom suit their needs and objectives. Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through Buck Wealth Strategies, a Registered Investment Adviser. E.A. Buck Financial Services and Buck Wealth Strategies are affiliated by common ownership.